Hi Carole, Your story took me back. Sex ed will not stop pregnancy, but girls need to know that the responsibility will always fall on them. The boy zips up and goes on! Part of being a parent is teaching about sex. We teach kids to brush their teeth and tie their shoes. Everybody does it, but nobody wants to talk about it. When I was 10, I asked my mother if a woman could get pregnant and not be married. She said, "No, the seeds know." What seeds and what do they know? That did not answer my question. When I started dating, she would say that she didn't want to hear the pitter patter of little feet running around. She would not let me date a boy that wore shorts. I was on my own as far as learning what goes where. I never had children and I remember a doctor saying that I had something tilted inside and probably couldn't have a baby. Guess he was right. In the 60's girls didn't flaunt their baby bump, the way celebrities do today. I am glad some of the social pressure has been lifted. Girls are not "bad" because they get pregnant. Takes two. And the poor baby should not be victimized--Baby did not ask to be born. Girls need to know how to take care of themselves and that is the responsibility of the parents. I remember two of our cheerleaders got pregnant. They eventually had to stop cheering. Everybody stared at their ever growing shape. So very hard for them. Your experience made you the great woman you are today. Thank you for being kind to your daughter and thank you for this article. You made me remember things I had not thought about in years. We all have a past. Hugs!