I know how sad and devastated your heart is.At first, I paced all over the house like a caged animal. Couldn't focus or concentrate. Had to write everything down to keep up with expenses so I wouldn't forget. My husband took care of the cars and most bills. So many things suddenly became my problems. I didn't even know how to pump gas. Thank goodness for You Tube! I usually get up at 4 A.M. Drink lots of coffee.I always brought my husband coffee and cinnamon toast every morning at 6 A.M.Sometimes in the grocery store when I see products that he used to buy, I loose my breath. I am going through the motion of living.There are so many broken hearts in the world, I couldn't understand how the world just kept going when I had just lost my world. I am better, still deeply sad, not looking for a pity party. Don't want to make others uncomfortable, because they don't understand and they don't know what to say. Talk to yourself during your day, so you hear your own voice. I still have a table set for two. Continue to put one foot in front of the other. My TV has been on 24/7. I sleep with it, only on comedies, no violence, sadness or drama. I can't stand silence.I know how alone and hurt you are feeling and I am so very sorry. Be good to yourself. Nourish and breathe.Thinking of you and hoping for the best. Hugs again.